Understanding Your Mindset to Achieve Weight Loss
You need to BE before you can DO!
Weight loss starts in your mind.
If you don’t believe you can achieve your ideal weight, it just won’t happen.
If Your Body Is A Vehicle, Your Mind Is The Engine
Your mindset drives your body, it fuels your will and determination to work towards your goal. It can be difficult to achieve and maintain your ideal body shape and weight. It takes more than just healthy eating and regular exercise. A positive and motivated mindset is essential to keep you going.
If you tell yourself negative things like “This is so hard or I can’t do this.” You’re not going to make it far. But if you encourage yourself with thoughts like “I can do this, nothing can stop me. I’m going to lose 5 pounds by the end of the week” – you’re motivated to achieve your diet goals.
Mindsets are assumptions or beliefs you establish to govern your behavior and choices.
There are two types of mindset: fixed and growth-oriented.
People with a fixed mindset think only of absolutes and allow little to no room for possibilities. They are fixated to their opinion and won’t budge from that framed mindset. When faced with challenges, they tend to take the easy way out to avoid failure and embarrassment.
This is a psychological principle known as self-handicapping. People with a growth mindset strongly believe in possibilities. They’re open minded, willing to adopt new ideas and learn to improve. They take on challenges even at the risk of failing. They’re open to embrace failure because they know they can learn from it.
Below are some common ideas that distinctly describe the two mindsets:
Fixed Mindset
When I fail, I’m no good
I’m either good at it, or I’m not
When I’m frustrated, I give up
My abilities determine everything
Growth Mindset
When I fail, I learn
I can learn anything I want to learn
When I’m frustrated, I persevere
My effort and attitude determine everything
Start cultivating a growth mindset and practice these mantras and your diet plan will work much easier with more satisfying results.
To Successfully Get Rid Of Fat, First Let Go Of Your Negative Thinking!
Research shows that one of the many important factors that influence weight loss is your attitude – whether or not you believe you can do it and if it is worth doing. It’s a simple theory – what you think will affect how you feel, and in turn the actions you take.
Reminds me of a famous quote by Henry Ford – “whether you think you can or think can’t, you’re right!”
Similar to how conventional medications often treat symptoms of disease without addressing the cause, weight loss diets often address your weight without addressing what has led you to be overweight. Being overweight is not as simple as eating too much or moving too less – there’s an underlying combination of subconscious conditioning, self-worth issues, emotional difficulties and more.
You might be able to lose a couple of pounds solely by changing your diet and doing exercise, but it won’t last long as symptom-specific diets will only be temporarily effective. By addressing the underlying psychological cause that led you to being overweight while applying balanced diet and exercise will ensure you a long-lasting weight loss.
Follow these life-changing ideas that could help you eliminate any sort of destructive thoughts that sabotage your body weight.
1. Other’s opinions don’t matter as long as you love your body
Eliminate the fear of other’s opinions. When we despise how we look and how we feel, our bodies reflect and adopt these ideas. Due to the environmental conditions, many want to impress others or live up to their expectations – it’s all because of other’s opinions.
But loving yourself must come first if you want your weight loss efforts to be effective. Let go of your fears. Learn to love your own body and each small change that happens to it through your dieting efforts.
2. Steady and slow, learn as you go. Lose too fast, it may not last. A little goes a long way
Focus on progress over perfection because perfection won’t happen without long-term progression. Be patient and work with a well-planned diet for the long run. Your body takes time to adjust to all the changes. Diet done in the right way will ensure your body becomes accustomed to the changes. The effects are definitely more lasting.
3. You may not be where you want to be, but you’re better than where you were
“I don’t have enough time, 15 minutes of workout won’t make a difference.” Sound familiar? This is the kind of statement that gives yourself permission to veer from the healthy habits that help you lose weight.
Don’t find excuses, a tiny effort done is always better than none. 15 minutes each day rather than none at all will still make a change to your body regardless of how significant it is.
Always remember that each small step taken is a step nearer to your goal. Never underestimate yourself.