Binge Eating Can Be Deadly! (Stop The Vicious Circle Now)
Binge eating is a terrible condition that can turn deadly.
It may not seem life-threatening, but it’s more than just a physical issue If you suspect you’re might be a binger, then get help fast!
Binge eating is more than just eating a large meal or overeating during the holidays. It’s a damaging mental eating disorder.
So what can we call binge eating?
When you sit down and continue eating large amounts of food in one meal way beyond the point of being full. Even to the point of discomfort. Well that’s binge eating.
What’s certain is that it’s not driven by hunger. What drives this kind of behavior are psychological issues. What types of issues can cause it? Issues like fear of failing, being rejected or feelings of inadequacy. Someone might plan it or it could be spontaneous.
There’s no purging involved though. But, it usually involves repeated dieting or fasting sporadically. To be diagnosed as a binge eater, the behavior has to occur at least two times a week over six months. Maybe there are cases of lower frequency but it’s still a bad problem.
How binge eating cause harm
Binging doesn’t just cause physical consequences, but also emotional ones. Often they’re quite dramatic. It causes feelings of anxiety and depression, not to mention self-hatred and shame. This can set the person up for a terrible cycle. As we’ve discussed before, these same kinds of feelings can actually trigger a binge. This continuing eating behavior greatly increases more feelings of loneliness, anger, sadness and depression.
After these binges it can take time to recover so social isolation can occur. On the physical side, the binger has to face a lot of discomfort and gastrointestinal distress. This happens a lot because the body has to digest an abnormally large volume of food. Fatigue and lethargy set it as well as mental fogginess. Binging is mostly done in private because of the terrible shame created by this disorder.
Extra weight gain is one of the most critical consequences of binge eating. People want to stay at an average weight. But, many binge eaters become obese. Then this leads to more health complications. Disease like high cholesterol, gout, diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure etc. are caused by obesity.
If you’re a binge eater, or feel you might be, and it’s getting out of control, reflect about how you think about eating. There are two main reasons for eating, enjoyment and nutrition for the body.
Food provides enjoyment, and also gives our bodies what they need to survive. Binge eating supplies neither of these. There’s no enjoyment, and the types of food being eaten are not of much benefit to the overall health of the body.
The first thing you must do is acknowledge you have a problem. Ask yourself if you’re eating for the right reasons. Consider what needs you’re trying to fulfill with food. It’s best that bingers don’t try to diet, even if they’re overweight.
They frequently turn to dieting to try to counteract their binging, usually out of despair. But, diets restrict what you eat. It leads to the feeling of being deprived. And you know what that’ll do, right? Create even more bingeing.
The cause must be handled first, and that’s psychological. Instead of dieting, bingers need some kind of therapy for their issue. They need to learn how to reconnect with their body, deal with emotional issues, get their behavior and emotions under control. They also must install healthy coping mechanisms with themselves and others. Therapy can help to stop binges.
Where can a person get help for bingeing?
It’s worth trying meditation. Find a good teacher and practice every day. The key is to practice every day, even if you don’t feel like it. You could try seeking help from a good counselor. They can help you to find and understand the reasons for your eating behaviors. They’ll also give you coping mechanisms to prevent the action.
There’s no doubt that bingeing on food is a serious problem, and also life-threatening. When you can’t deal with it by yourself you must find professional care from a qualified therapist or medical doctor if you need it. Therapy can be very successful.
Find a therapist who’s good at dealing with binge eating. A dietician can help with creating an optimum eating plan and the right exercise. This will get you on the right track without having to give up on all the things you love. In some severe binge eating cases, you may need to stay in a clinical eating disorders setting.
But start with your doctor and a therapist first. These are your first steps for getting binge eating under control and stopped.
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