Do you feel like you are your own worst enemy when it comes to losing weight? How often do you VOW to start eating healthier, only to end the day in a full-on binge of pizza, wine, and cookies.
Understanding Self-Sabotage
When you self-sabotage, you make choices or act in ways that undermine your own goals and values. Self-sabotage is a trick our minds play on us to keep us stuck in our old patterns of behavior, and we have many useful and even devious tricks we use to “justify” these actions.
How to Overcome Self-Sabotage
The first thing you need to do is identify your patterns and behaviors that are affecting your health and making it difficult for you to lose weight. Keep a journal. Write it all down. Get in touch with the ugly truth about your snacking, overeating, cravings, and body shaming behaviors.
Final Thoughts
Making small, meaningful changes over time will help you successfully end the self-sabotaging behaviors that can keep you from successfully losing weight. Making massive transformations to your life isn't possible without incremental change, so focus on what you can do today, at this moment, to stop one act of self-sabotage and put yourself on the path toward better health, one step at a time.
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