Learn to Control the Mind – and Losing Weight is Easy
Learning to control your mind ain’t easy.
Losing weight successfully depends on it…
It’s worth spending time on for your health…
For a short time, changing what and how much you eat is easy. Long-term change is way more challenging when your willpower vanishes or stress appears in your life.
Our brain can fool us in many ways. It can destroy our efforts to change our eating habits. Understanding the psychological side of long-term patterns and change helps combat habits. You can change your eating habits for good.
Why would our brains want to keep us in bad health
It’s not that your brain wants to keep you unhealthy. It’s just doing what it’s learned over a long time. Your brain’s most basic instincts are for survival. Food is necessary for life, and it symbolizes security and safety.
When you begin to restrict food, place rules on what you can and cannot eat, and mess with food availability, your brain reacts to protect you. People with a history of chronic dieting or who grew up with food insecurity are more affected by the brain’s protection.
Although food is primarily for your body’s wellbeing, many habits connected with foods are related to emotional needs and rituals. This makes things more complex. Food is used to celebrate, show love or as reminders of specific people or feelings. During moments of emotional instability or chaos, your mind craves food to fill the emptiness.
Food and eating are also seen as moral issues sometimes. We decide that certain foods or eating choices are “bad.” People are judged because of their food choices. This moral focus means more people feel shame about their size, their food choices, or their habits. They start to feel their health goals are unreachable.
Let your rational brain take over
Stop listening to these irrational, emotional, illogical voices and reasons. Learn to listen to your higher-level brain and to your body’s needs. Disconnect eating from your emotions and your fears. Then you can override the other parts of your mind and learn to heal your relationship with food. You can provide your body with what it needs to stay healthy.
Changing how you think about food and eating takes time. How about focusing on making small changes to your behaviors and habits over time. Find other ways to deal with your emotions. Focusing just on the food and how much you should be eating, will help you set standards for your mind.
How to reconnect body and mind
Mindfulness retrains your brain to focus more on what you physically need. It’ll help you develop healthier habits for lifelong well-being. Learning to listen to your body’s cues about hunger. Finding ways to deal with stress and emotions other than through eating.
Treating yourself with kindness and respect will allow you to connect with food in healthier ways. You’ll also give your mind and feelings what they need to thrive.
Mindfulness involves many different strategies and techniques. They’ll force you to listen to your needs. Connect with your body. Confront your emotions in new ways. It helps you become more insightful about your motivations. Learn to handle emotions in better ways for your happiness. Learn to stay tuned to the signals your body sends about what it needs.
Changing your mindset to improve eating habits is far more important than the foods you eat. Once you learn to be more mindful, you’ll find your other patterns of thinking and behaving will fall into place and help you develop eating habits that are right for you.