Weight Loss Plans: 18 Good Habits To Make Sure You Succeed
Weight loss plans are sometimes difficult to stick to. Read on for lots of tips to change that for you…
There’s a lot of dieting and weight loss advice out there, but most of it doesn’t work.
The reason why people fail to lose weight is because they have not found the right mindset that will allow them to make lasting changes. It’s hard to change your habits if you’re stuck in old ways of thinking. Weight loss plans will likely fail.
In this podcast, I will share 18 different strategies that helped me break bad eating habits for good and able to finally lose weight without dieting.
As we all know, weight loss is a difficult and challenging process.
It’s not enough to eat less or exercise more. Because sustained weight loss is your goal, you need to think about how bad habits affect your weight and stop you from making lasting changes.
The good news? You can break any habit if you’re willing to put in the work! In this podcast, I will share 18 ways that helped me break my bad eating habits for good. And, made my weight loss plans far more effective.
Many years ago, when I was very overweight, I was sitting in the waiting room of my doctor’s office. I had been coming to the same doctor for years, and he knew me well. He also knew that I had to lose weight and get healthier, fast.
The problem was that we never felt like I could make enough of a difference with my bad habits to change anything for the long term. This time, however, I felt a little apprehensive. As he sat down on his side of the desk, there was an expression on his face that showed how worried he was about me.
“The weight loss plan failed and you’ve gained back all the weight you lost,” he said directly.” We need to find a better way this time if you want any chance at getting this under control again.”
“You’re not the first and only person to tell me that weight loss is difficult,” I said. “But what can I do differently?” He looked back down at his desk and then said, “I have no idea.” “You must handle your overeating habits before anything else has the slightest chance at working.”
It was at that moment I felt I was on my own. It was 100% my responsibility that I failed to lose weight. I had to change, and fast or suffer life-destroying consequences.
Here are 18 ways that helped me to stop eating like a pig and finally lose the weight I needed.
1 – I had to ditch the things distracting me from my goals and weight loss plan
Eating while distracted is a common habit among most people. Eating while in front of the computer or watching a TV show.
The habits we don’t typically think of as bad can also be contributing to overeating.
Reviews of many studies found that people who are distracted while eating take in more calories than people who focus on what they are eating. It also means that they eat more food later in the day than those who focused on their meals.
I made sure to focus on eating and nothing else.
2 – I had to find out what my trigger foods were so I could adapt my weight loss plan well
You need to know which foods make you overeat so you can avoid them.
You might want to stop putting ice cream in the freezer if it makes you binge or overeat. The harder it is for you to get food, the less likely you will eat it.
Try eating healthy snacks. Eat fresh fruit. Or choose nuts and dried fruit.
Keep unhealthy foods like chips, cookies, and candy out of the way so you won’t eat them.
It took some time, but I eventually identified my trigger foods and made it a habit to stay away from them.
3 – I made sure I didn’t stop all my favorite foods
Diets that force you to cut out many of your favorite foods may result in feelings of deprivation, a feeling that often ends up with the individual binging on the food he shouldn’t eat.
Diets that only eat whole and unprocessed foods are the best. But eating some treats is also OK.
It’s not realistic to swear never to have chocolate or ice cream again. Strict weight loss plans usually never work.
While most of my food choices were healthy and nutritious, I also gave myself the occasional freedom to eat a meal with not-so-healthy ingredients.
4 – I made a point to stop eating from the containers
Eating food directly from the pack and not using a plate can make you eat more than you should.
To help control the number of calories in one sitting, try only to eat a single serving size at a time.
Use measuring tools like cups, spoons, and your hands to teach yourself what a normal portion of food should look like.
I also got myself a handy scale so I could control my food intake.
5 – I found ways to lower my stress levels
Stress makes you eat more. You should find ways to reduce the stress in your life.
When we are stressed, our levels of cortisol increase. It is a hormone that makes us want more food. Research shows that it can lead to overeating, increased hunger, binge eating, and weight gain.
There are lots of good things you can do to manage your stress. Listen to music, garden, exercise, or practice yoga and meditation.
I love doing Yoga and meditation. They kept me calm and focused. Good weight loss plans will also incorporate ways to lower stress.
6 – I started eating more foods that were rich in fiber
Your body can feel satisfied for a long time when you eat foods that are full of fiber. This will help you not to overeat.
People who only ate oatmeal for breakfast felt full and had less appetite at lunch than people who had cornflakes.
Eating a few nuts, adding various types of beans to your salad, and eating vegetables at every meal helps reduce the amount of food you eat.
I found out that there are many foods I love that are rich in fiber. It was easy to eat more of them.
7 – I learned to keep a regular meal schedule as best I could. Weight loss plans should include meal schedules too
When you want to lose weight, some people cut out meals. This makes the number of calories they eat less. Not a good idea.
Heavy meal restrictions may cause you to eat more later in the day.
Studies have shown that you will be less hungry if you eat more often and you eat less.
Some people skip lunch, but it can make them overeat at dinner. It’s better to eat a balanced lunch.
I have a busy schedule, and I always skipped meals. It was a significant cause of my weight issues. Even though it was difficult, I kept a regular schedule and stopped skipping meals.
This worked wonders for me.
8 – I wrote down everything I ate in a journal
Keeping track of what you eat may help reduce overeating, according to a recent study.
People who use self-monitoring techniques like keeping a food diary may lose more weight.
Using a food journal is just one way to identify problematic situations and emotional triggers that create overeating habits and food choices that’ll stimulate binge eating.
Keeping a journal was eye-opening. I highly recommend this one. It will help you to tweak your weight loss plans as needed so it works better.
9 – I made sure I ate enough quality protein
Protein helps your body to feel full and decreases the desire to overeat.
There is evidence that eating a high-protein breakfast reduces hunger and snacking later in the day.
Eggs are a protein-rich breakfast, and this lowers your hunger levels.
Adding protein-rich snacks like Greek yogurt to your routine can also help you eat less throughout the day and keep hunger under control.
I found I wasn’t eating enough good-quality protein. It was causing me to feel hungry all the time.
10 – I had to take control of my blood sugar levels
Eating high glycemic foods can cause your blood sugar levels to go up and then down quickly.
When a person’s blood sugar level changes quickly, they might be hungry and eat more than usual.
Choosing foods with lower glycemic indexes, like beans, oats, and brown rice (in moderation), will help balance your blood sugar levels, so you’re less likely to overeat.
My blood sugar was off the charts, which of course, is typical for overweight people like I was. I got it stabilized quickly by eating better quality food.
11 – I was eating way too fast and had to slow it down.
It is important to eat slowly and not too much. Eating too quickly leads to weight problems.
Slower eating helps you feel satisfied and less hungry, causing healthier eating.
When people chew food well, they eat less and feel full.
I was a speedy eater. I would finish eating 15-20 minutes faster than everyone else. But I still felt hungry.
12 – I cut down on drinking alcohol
Drinking alcohol causes you to overeat. It lowers your inhibitions, which can lead to eating more than usual.
Drinking a little with a meal may not have much of an effect. But drinking a lot in one sitting makes hungrier.
Drinking less alcohol may be part of the solution to overeating.
I wasn’t a big drinker, so cutting down was super easy for me.
13 – I made sure my weight loss plans, planned my meals ahead
One of the worst things an unprepared person can do when their stomach rumbles is to make a hasty decision about what they’re going to eat.
It is hard to make healthy choices when you do not have time. Make sure you plan well so that you can eat healthy foods. This is where great weight loss plans really shine.
Make the healthiest food options available. This includes having healthy snacks handy, packing home-cooked lunches, and stocking your fridge with healthy dinner options to prepare at home after a long day.
These strategies can decrease overeating, not to mention, making more meals at home saves money and time.
I always ate unhealthy meals when I was unprepared. I made sure I planned my meals every night for the following day. It was easy to stay on track to eating healthy that way.
14 – I changed from drinking soda to drinking more water
Drinking sugar-filled beverages like soda and juice can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and other health issues.
Having sugar-sweetened drinks with a meal leads to overeating.
Choosing pure, clean water or unsweetened soda water over other drinks helps you to eat less.
At first, I found it hard to drink lots of water. I got used to it for my health’s sake.
15 – I got out of the diet mentality and into a healthy lifestyle
The best way to lose weight is by not going on a restrictive diet.
Make long-term lifestyle changes that promote wellness. It’s the best way to establish a healthy relationship with food and avoid habits like overeating.
Dieting always made me anxious. I always felt I would fail, and I usually did, because the anxiety made me eat more. I changed my mindset and then changed my life.
16 – I changed to eating more healthy fats
Even though weight loss programs may cut out some fats from your diet, you should still consume various healthy foods high in fat – like nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil.
These are my favorites to incorporate into my weight loss plans!
Specific diets, such as high fat and low carb intake, have been shown to decrease hunger levels 3-4 hours after meals and promote weight loss over time.
17 – I made strong weight loss goals and stuck to them
If you keep your weight loss goal in the front of your mind, it will guide you to make the correct decisions on your journey.
When you know why you are overeating, and it’s stopping you from reaching your goals, this can help motivate you to make new eating habits to achieve those goals.
Hanging motivational quotes in strategic places around your home will inspire you to stick to your weight loss plans.
I thought a lot about what the right goals were for me. They kept me going when it got tough.
18 – My weight loss plans included being mindful of what I was eating
One way to prevent overeating is by adopting mindful eating techniques.
Mindful eating focuses on the moment, and you’re aware of thoughts, emotions, and senses while eating.
Mindful eating is an excellent way to reduce overeating. Eat more slowly, take smaller bites, chew well, being aware of your senses, and appreciating food are all simple mindfulness practices you can use in your daily routine.
When I became more mindful while eating, the food tasted better, and I began to feel good about myself again.
The good news about weight loss plans…
Staying mindful of eating habits and correcting any that may lead to undesirable outcomes is the best way to prevent an eating disorder.
Overeating is a hard habit to break, but you can do it. Using these tips, you can establish a new healthy routine, better weight loss plans, finally reach your weight loss goals, and create a healthy, more vibrant you.
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